Libro Breus
 “Any democracy worthy of the name
cannot be found wanting
when it comes to ways of benefitting
from the political potential of people
in their most mature years.”

Text of the lecture delivered by Pedro Olalla
at the CCCB of Barcelona (20/2/2017),
within the Cycle entitled "Old Europe, New Utopias".
The cycle also included the participation of the Romanian writer
Mircea Cartarescu, the Croatian philosopher and activist Srecko Horvat,
the French economist Julia Cagé, the Chinese writer and filmmaker Xiaolu Guo
and the Turkish writer Hakan Günday.

Bilingual Spanish-English edition
ISBN: 978-84-697-7462-5
Barcelona 2017


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FaLang translation system by Faboba

Copyright © Pedro Olalla 2016

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